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Welcome to Chinwag!

Consider Chinwag to be your friendly, local pub. Make yourself at home, bring your friends, have a good time! Meet new people, have a laugh, enjoy the ambience, and the Oxford commas.
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Ready for a Chinwag?

We have many tools to help you chat with your friends! One day we’ll tell you about them here!

What is all this?

I guess this would be a great place to explain stuff!


Current Chinwag Services

A few updates, and some new features have been added to the Chinwag stable. Here’s an updated list of everything we have running right now.

ChinWag Will Obey the Laws of Mathematics

Despite recent comments that “the only law that applies in Australia is the law of Australia” and that legislation could override mathematical principles, we would like to assure our users that we will continue to obey the latter.

Mastodon Deployed

About two months ago, there was a big buzz that built up around Mastodon, a decentralised social network.

Inactive Account Purges

ChinWag is coming up on two years old now, so there are a few “I’ll worry about that later” jobs that I now need to start worrying about.

Swift IM Beta

A great little chat client, Swift, has a new beta of its upcoming 4.